Alexandra Reznik

Assistant Professor of Humanities, Women’s and Gender Studies Program Coordinator
Hometown: Pittsburgh, PA
Student empowerment, Popular culture, celebrity, and word and music studies, Critical race, feminist, and queer theories, Archives, Art and technology
Traveling, Meditating, and Coffee
Allie Reznik is an Assistant Professor of Humanities at Chatham University, Sigma Tau Delta advisor, and Girls Write Pittsburgh workshop facilitator. She has published in Voices from the Attic, Liberal Education, Lamar Journal of the Humanities, and Western Journal of Black Studies. Her most recent book chapter, which analyzes contemporary poetry that represents Black women singer-celebrities, is forthcoming in the Routledge Companion to Music and Modern Literature.
- "Popular Music & Colonial Violence in Bessie Head's A Question of Power." Lamar Journal of the Humanities, Vol. 42, No. 1, Spring 2017, pp. 23-34.
- "Confronting the 'Mess': Embracing Vulnerability to Amplify Students' Voices." Liberal Education, 2018.
- "Sketching to Sharpen Writing." The Flourishing Academic Blog, 2 May 2016.
- "Engaging Race in the Classroom." The Flourishing Academic, 23 Feb. 2015
- "Into the Archive: A Student Advisor Discovers Her Purpose in a File Drawer." Sigma Tau Delta Online Newsletter, Fall 2012.
- K. Patricia Cross Scholar
- Who's Next: Education Awardee
- Duquesne University Center for Teaching Excellence Graduate Teaching Award Winner
- Association of American Colleges and Universities Member
- Word and Music Association Forum Member
- "...the world wanted to bleed all the sass out my name": Interrogating the Popularity of Words and Music in Tyehimba Jess's Olio. Word and Music Association Forum Biennial Conference, Haus der Universität at Heinrich-Heine-University, Düsseldorf, Germany, Nov. 2018
- "Combatting Prejudice through Performance: Rhetoric of Violence in Critical Reviews of Elizabeth Taylor Greenfield." C19: The Society of Nineteenth-Century Americanists, University of New Mexico, Mar. 2018
- "Composing European & Operatic Fragments in Godey's Lady's Book." Word and Music Association International Conference, Stockholm, Sweden, Aug. 2017.
- Navigating Intermedial and Interdisciplinary Boundaries: Music in Literature," Modern Language Association, Philadelphia, PA, Jan. 2017